Platinum Property Management, Inc.
Third Party Development, Consulting Projects

LBW Homeowners' Foundation of Coral Gables, Inc. Historic Restoration Project consists of grant consulting work, construction management services for restoration of 13 identified homes in Coral Gables by Platinum Property Management, Inc. See the before and after picture below.

LBW Homeowners' Foundation of Coral Gables, Inc. - Infill housing project consists of Platinum providing development, financing, grant and exclusive brokerage services to build and sell four, 1200 sq. ft. homes on vacant lots that were donated by Miami Dade County. Pictured is 114 Frow Ave and 116 Frow Ave

Richmond Heights Community Development Corporation - Infill housing program consisting of development, financing and sales of two new 1772-square-foot homes in Richmond Heights by Platinum Property Management, Inc.. Additionally Platinum has arranged for a $1,000,000 line of credit for Richmond Heights CDC to acquire homes within the community to renovate and sell to homeowners. Platinum Property Management is the master developer and exclusive broker for the infill project. View completed pictures of the two new construction homes below.
Full Service Real Estate Company
Located in & Serving South Florida